How To Get Dressed For Happy Hour In Less Than 5 Minutes

Outfit #1

Outfit #1 Details: Dress // Necklace // Sandals // Purse // Sunglasses

If you're anything like me, getting dressed for a special occasion or even a simple happy hour with the boyfriend can be a whole to-do. Because I wear scrubs on a daily bases (#dentalstudentproblems), being able to wear something from my normal people wardrobe is very exciting for me! But the whole process of getting ready can be quite timely. Which is fine! If you have enough time, then take your time! However, if you're rushed, picking out an outfit can be stressful. So I'm sharing with you 2 super helpful hacks that I use in situations like this.

1. Think about your outfit while you're doing your hair/make up. This will give you some time to think about what you want to wear. I've found this incredibly helpful. I'll just sift through my wardrobe in my head and narrow it down to a few pieces.

2. Stock up on more dresses and two-piece sets. These are your best options when you're running late because they're practically a whole outfit in-it-of-themselves so you'll spend less time trying to match up tops with bottoms. All you have to do is pick out the shoes and the purse and you're ready to go. Take for example the dress and the two-piece set featured in today's post. Both are under $20 and are trendy summer outfits that you can throw on quickly! My advice is to invest in a few pieces just like this so that you can easily get dressed in less than 5 minutes.


Outfit #2

Outfit #2 Details: Tank-Pant Set // Sunglasses // Sandals


Photographer #1:

Bill McGuiness (BF+BFF)


Stylist, Model, Photographer #2, and Writer:


