DIY Frayed Denim Skirt

I love me some good ol' frayed denim, especially in skirt form! The best thing about this trend is that it makes for an easy Do It Yourself (DIY) project and it can be tailored to your desired length! I patiently waited until I found an affordable denim skirt (Urban Outfitters was having a sale on sale a few weeks ago), and then I quickly got to work. Originally, this skirt was about 7 inches longer and  the length just didn't look flattering on me. So I turned the skirt inside out, measured how much I wanted to remove, marked it with a pen, and began working with my fabric shears! The simple trick to getting this frayed look is to throw the denim in the washer/dryer after making the cut. And that's literally all you need to do! With Black Friday and Cyber Monday coming up, that could be your chance to snag a sale item and give it a trendy transformation. 

For the rest of the outfit details just scroll to the bottom of this post! <3

Outfit Details
Frayed Skirt (DIY) // Boots // Crossbody // Earrings // Choker // Sweater // Sunglasses

Bill McGuiness - AKA "the boyf"

Stylist, Modeland Writer